Monday, September 27, 2010

Bible Version

I was at the jail leading my once a month church service. As I started to read the text we were about to study an inmate very openly and loudly caused me to stop reading and ask, what the problem was. The inmate stated “You’re not reading from the Bible”!

I was using the Holman Christian Standard version, copyrighted 2003. The HCS is a modern language translation that is very easy to understand. “The version was rapidly produced by a large team of translators, editors, and stylists under contract with Broadman & Holman. Most of the team members were Baptists, and all of the New Testament translators were Baptists. But, as usual, much of the harder work in the Old Testament was done by scholars from the Presbyterian seminaries. There were also people on the team from various other denominations.”

Bible version debate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have five different versions in my study. My bible software program has the four versions I use most. Why do I use different versions? I have always been a slow reader. Since early elementary days I have to read, read again and sometimes read again. I have found reading and comparing the verses from the different versions gives me a better understanding of what God is saying to me.

Working with people most of my life as well as the course of studies I have taken has helped me to understand some behaviors and attitudes people have. I wouldn’t quite call a King James Version only person narrow minded nor would I say a NIV person is open minded. I wouldn’t say a KJV only person a conservative and the NASB a liberal.

As a general rule the Independent Baptist promote the KJV only attitude more than any other group; while also maintaining the philosophy that they have a closer walk with Christ than anyone else. They believe all Catholics, most Methodist, big majority of Presbyterians will split hell wide open.

I would suggest to everyone “Don’t get caught in the trap of division”. Jesus did not die so that men could cause us to be divided. The methods of our worship will not save us. The type or lack of music in worship will not gain us entry into the Kingdom. The division by denominations is “MAN’S DOING” not Gods. I also know God is still in charge, He allows things to happen for His devine will.

The Gospel of Gods love through his Virgin born Son, Crucified, Buried and Arouse.
The belief (KNOWING via FAITH) that Jesus is the Messiah. Your personal acceptance and faith to such is the thread to keep us all as the children of God.

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