Saturday, August 21, 2010

50th Wedding Anniversary

My wife's brother Jim and sister in law Rachael Ray celebrated their 50th year of marriage today. Allot of family as well as friends from time past helped in the celebration.

In today's world husbands and wives don't stay together like the generations past. I know for a fact there were times when either one or both were ready to leave, separate or maybe divorce but each were fighter's for the institution of marriage. Each took those oaths to each other as well to God very seriously.

They loved each other and as God gave them children and later grandchildren and now great-grand children they both look back with smiles and think " it had it's rough spots but seeing these kids makes for a soothing gel".

We have to stand up (on our knees) using the power of the Holy Spirit and fight. We have to fight to keep our marriages tact. We have to fight with the Whole Armour of God to keep our sin nature at bay. Don't let pride and anger guide you. Don't let lust lead you to the breast of adultery.

FIGHT LIKE HELL !! The author of hell is the author Adultery.

God Almighty, Protector of Your Children, Please forgive us of our weakness. Please empower us with your Holy Spirit, wrap your shield of protection around our marriages. The family you set up. The family you desire. The family you ordained. Father we need your Holy Spirit to give us wisdom, power and grace to keep our family as you desire it. In Christ Loving Name, Amen

Friday, August 20, 2010

4th Sunday Jail Ministry this weekend

Father God I ask for you Holy & Righteous Blessing be upon the meeting Sunday night. It is only by your grace and power that lives can be changed and souls saved. Be with us, surround me with your Spirit, fill me with your presents, use my lips, my tongue, my voice to tell of your everlasting love and your total forgiveness of sins. Teach us to Love You As You Loved Us. In Jesus Holy Name, Amen

I never go to the jail feeling satisfied in my efforts to prepare for the service. I always go in complete satisfaction that God has it under control, Praise His Name.

My intended subject is "Regeneration". The word is mentioned twice in the KJV, once in several other versions and not at all in the CEV. Regeneration, ReBirth, Born Again are life changing words.

God teach us how we must be Born Again so we can be Regenerated. Amen