Sunday, June 27, 2010

Man's UnBelief

I went to the jail for my monthly service tonight. There were about 25 men at the Annex Service. God is very much seen at those services. The men are truly struggling to walk with Lord. These men are the trustees and easier managed inmate.

In the day-room of the old jail we have a different type of inmate. These men are charged with the more serious crime. They too struggle to walk with the Lord. I also find that more of them confess they are not saved.

Tonight none of the annex men stated unbelief but in the old jail 7 admitted they were lost and on their way to hell.

The first step in salvation is that the Holy Spirit has to "Draw" you to the saving grace of God. This is also proof of Gods selection of the elect and of our predestination. Just because tonight the Holy Spirit didn't draw them gives you or I an excuse to stop witnessing to them. Pray fervently, continuously that God will work his wonderful grace in the hearts of these men

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