Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Pray for wisdom

We are ever getting closer to the start of the meetings. The Monroe County Jail Friday night start date is January 8th. The start date for the Sweetwater Meeting is January 12th.

By changing from Saturday Mornings to Friday evenings it will give us access to more inmates. I have been teaching on Saturdays for 2 years now. It has been an absolute wonderful blessing. I have seen men grow in grace, I have seen men come to know a personal relationship with their savior. God is too Good to us. Praise his name.

Pray that God's Wisdom will be given in these studies. We will be spending 12 weeks learning about "SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES". I will try to highlight the study on this blog so you folks can glean from Gods word as well.

Please Pray God's Will be Done and His Knowledge will be shared.

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