Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Screen has arrived

By God, grace a small portable 70" x 70" screen has been purchased to be used in the Jail Ministry as well at the men's meeting on Tuesday nights. Now we can watch Pat Morley deliver his messages in style. We have had to use the concrete walls at the jail so this will be a wonderful treat for the inmates.

For a lot of folk the feeling of what they know as Christmas is just about over. While the true spirit of Christmas should be all year long. Loving the loveless, caring for the uncared, giving more of ourselves so others can have.

Jesus being our example of Giving. He Gave his All for many. Let us give some.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Pray for wisdom

We are ever getting closer to the start of the meetings. The Monroe County Jail Friday night start date is January 8th. The start date for the Sweetwater Meeting is January 12th.

By changing from Saturday Mornings to Friday evenings it will give us access to more inmates. I have been teaching on Saturdays for 2 years now. It has been an absolute wonderful blessing. I have seen men grow in grace, I have seen men come to know a personal relationship with their savior. God is too Good to us. Praise his name.

Pray that God's Wisdom will be given in these studies. We will be spending 12 weeks learning about "SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES". I will try to highlight the study on this blog so you folks can glean from Gods word as well.

Please Pray God's Will be Done and His Knowledge will be shared.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Who What When Where

We will listen to a 30 minute video produced by Man in the Mirror Ministries. Patrick Morley will be the main speaker. Man in the Mirror the book was written some years ago and has developed into quite a large men's ministry. Every week there are men meeting all over the country and I am so pleased that we have one here in Sweetwater.
After the video we will have another 30 minutes of discussion and close with prayer request then prayer. That will be the end of the formal meeting but folks are encouraged to fellowship afterwards.
Invite you neighbor and friends GOD will surely BLESS

He is the Maker of all things... the LORD of hosts is His name. Jeremiah 10:16

Evaluating a politician's actions or performance is needed and acceptable. Criticizing him/her just because they are one party or the other or opposite of your persuasion is a sin.
God tell's us to pray for those in authority.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions,
and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 1Ti 2:1

Thursday, December 10, 2009

God supplies a place to meet

God has placed on my heart the need men have for Christian Discipleship. We men need to please God. We also need to help each other learn how to do just that.
All day long, day in and day out we're bombarded with the world view. The newspapers, the television, books, magazines and most of the folks we meet. There are approximately 140(million) men over 14 years old in the U.S.A. 40 million profess to be Christians, about 4 million profess to being evangelical disciples. You do the math that means at least 60,000,000 men are on their way to hell. 36,000,000 men need more of what the 4 million have.
Discipleship is not what allot of folks think it is.
Join us on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm for fellowship in discipleship.
140 Starrett Street, Sweetwater, TN 37874

Please share with us your thoughts. Pray with us that God's will be done by us & through us.