Saturday, May 29, 2010

Letters for Help!

I have prepared letters to 30 churches in our area. Baptist, Presbyterian, Church of Christ, Non Denominational, Lutheran, Friends they went to. God loves all those he has called by the Blood of his Son. Our Call to all these churches is for us to come together for the purpose of our first calling, To Disciple.

How can the World be fixed without the Church being fixed.
How can the Church be fixed without Families being fixed
How can families be fixed without the Man being fixed
How can a Man be fixed without him becoming a disciple

The Discipleship Conference being planned will be a blessing to all that participate. Men need to be taught, shown and lead how to live a discipleship life. The Holy Spirit does all those things through, by and in us. Have you taken the challenge.

Help us with this conference. We need leaders, doers, helpers and prayer worriers.

The challange is here are you willing to say "Lord Here Am I"

Friday, May 21, 2010

Praise For the web site is up and running. This has been a full three week project. It's not fancy but I hope it will be a blessing to you. There are a ton of features and information on it. Please visit it and give us your honest opinion of it. My desire is that it is INFORMATIVE and a BLESSING.

We have had a full week of activities along with designing the web site. Tuesday was our Men of Christ Fellowship meeting. There were four men there this week. Dr. Worley taught the second of a three part series called "Discipling Men's Hearts", "To Make a Disciple". We all recieved God's Blessing from the meeting.

Why You Need a Band od Brothers? This is a question on a hand out I have. When you read in Genesis 1, God says five times-at the end of each day "Good". Everything he made He said "it was good". Then He made man on the sixth day and said "it was very-good"

Now in Genesis 2:18 He changes to "..... it was not good" What was not so good? "It was not good for man to be alone."

Join us for our fellowship. Jesus in the person of his Holy Spirit is there. If you can't be there pray for us as we will pray for you.